Passionate entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand the drive that carries you to make a radical impact on the Consumer Packaged Goods world. We love fresh, innovative concepts that will shake things up. But even more than that, we love the great people who are trying to do it.


How can we help?


Brand Harvesters

Carving out your story is central to the success of any great CPG product. We know how to harness the power of your unique perspective so that it extends to what your brand is and will become. Sounds like fluff? We dare you to take our “Story Challenge.”

Sales Shepherd

Great ideas need great connections and a great sales strategy, too. No overnight success was ever truly an overnight success. It was founded in targeted, effective, and strategic sales efforts. We want to help shepherd that for your product too.

Marketing Refinery

A product is only as good as how many people know about it. Targeted launch campaigns, astute digital media strategies, press, and influencer campaigns are at the core of how we conquer making sure your target audience knows about what you do.

Operations Linchpin

Guess what? Operations is at the backbone of your success. It isn’t sexy, but if you have learned anything to this point, you have realized how crucial it is. We pride ourselves on having a deep understand of CPG operational needs so that we can be the hands and feet of what needs to happen on this side of the business.

Reporting Refinery

"Reporting doesn’t matter. We can just keep doing what we are doing and see if it works” – said no business owner ever. We know what to watch and how to get the data. Let us monitor and measure your success so that your expenses are targeted and effective.

Product Ideation

We get it… sometimes you just have an idea… something great to be shared with the masses… you just need help bringing it to market. We are onboard for that, too.



Let’s get coffee. We genuinely want to know you and your passion. Can we help you? We hope so, but it isn’t a requirement for us to enjoy you and some great coffee.